Over 27 years of experience. Please contact me to schedule your repair. Most repairs are competed in a week. I offer free estimates on Saturdays.
Please let me know the brand of instrument to be serviced before coming to the store as I do not fix all brands for poor manufacturing and ability to warranty service work.
All work performed by Brian Kimmel, owner of Clock Tower Music
Brass Woodwind Strings Guitars and more...
I studied repair at NEMC affiliate training with top professionals in 1998. For many years I have worked closely with all of the Bay Area middle school and high school programs. Work is performed on Mondays and Wednesdays at my home shop. Most repairs can take less than a week to complete. Please contact me to schedule an appointment for your repair or estimate.
How To Clean Your Trumpet
Prepare the Work Area
Step 1~Reserve the bathroom or any other room with a tub and running water. A large wash tub and a water hose in the back yard will work fine.
Step 2~Set up a work table near the tub.
Step 3~Close the bathroom sink's drain.
Step 4~Find two bath towels in good condition. Avoid using worn towels with holes or tears in them.
Step 5~Fold one towel twice or more so it will form a thick pad to protect the valves and delicate tubes of the instrument.
Step 6~Place the towel on the bottom of the bathtub. Be sure it covers the drain hole.
Step 7~Fold and place the other towel on the tabletop or the plywood covering the sink. The work area must be clean and supply cushioning.
Step 8~Find a comfortable chair or stool.
Step 9~Make sure that the light sources are adequate.
Step 10
Step 11~Fill the tub with 6 inches of lukewarm water and add a 1/2 cup of mild liquid soap.
How To Clean Your Trumpet
Prepare the Work Area
Step 1~Reserve the bathroom or any other room with a tub and running water. A large wash tub and a water hose in the back yard will work fine.
Step 2~Set up a work table near the tub.
Step 3~Close the bathroom sink's drain.
Step 4~Find two bath towels in good condition. Avoid using worn towels with holes or tears in them.
Step 5~Fold one towel twice or more so it will form a thick pad to protect the valves and delicate tubes of the instrument.
Step 6~Place the towel on the bottom of the bathtub. Be sure it covers the drain hole.
Step 7~Fold and place the other towel on the tabletop or the plywood covering the sink. The work area must be clean and supply cushioning.
Step 8~Find a comfortable chair or stool.
Step 9~Make sure that the light sources are adequate.
Step 10
Step 11~Fill the tub with 6 inches of lukewarm water and add a 1/2 cup of mild liquid soap.

Mouthpiece, Slide and Piston Valves
- Step 1~Gently remove the mouthpiece with a slight twisting motion of the hand (no pliers allowed) to the left.
- Step 2~Place the mouthpiece on the work area towel.
- Step 3~Apply a slight bit of pressure on the main tuning slide (where the spit valve is located) by hooking the right thumb on the inside curve of the slide and placing the remaining four fingers around the outside end of the trumpet bell.
- Step 4~If the slide is stuck, put three drops of penetrating oil on the two points where the small slide enters the larger.
- Step 5~Try removal again after 15 to 30 minutes.
- Step 6~Remove the tuning slides for the first, second and third valves in the manner described above.
- Step 7~Apply penetrating oil to the screw-off hubs at the base and top of the three piston valves.
- Step 8~Gently unscrew these six hubs.
- Step 9~Carefully unscrew the three finger-pearls at the top of each piston.
- Step 10~Place the three finger-pearls and six hubs on the work area towel.
- Step 11~Slowly withdraw the three pistons out of their casements. Place them on the towel.
- Step 12~Determine the location of the three valve springs.
- Step 13~Handle the pistons so the top felt or cork cushions remain intact with any hardware sleeves.
Stuck Trumpet Mouthpiece?
Please do not try to remove it yourself. Bring it to us and we'll do it fast....and free!
General Repair Terms
Installing natural cork to quiet key noise or to ensure fit
Re-align key with tone hole or to free key from sticking
Adjust two or more keys to close at the same time
Leveling tone holes
File tone hole to level surface
Installing new pad
Installing natural cork to quiet key noise or to ensure fit
Re-align key with tone hole or to free key from sticking
Adjust two or more keys to close at the same time
Leveling tone holes
File tone hole to level surface
Installing new pad
Heating key and body to weld together
Applying paper under pad to raise and seal key
Heat & Seat
Heating key and clamping to make proper seal
Free Binding
Adjusting key to free motion
Using light abrasive to improve action
Contact Information
Brian Kimmel
Email: clocktowermusicsc@gmail.com
Technical Training: NEMC Repair Department

Tired of changing guitar strings? We can do it for only $20. plus the price of strings.

Need a tenon cork replaced or gooseneck.
Make an appointment and we can get it done quickly.
Recent Repair Work
- heat and seat F, E, Bb, G, R1/ cleaned around keys/ ground key to free binding and sharp note/ regulated A, Bridge and crows foot/ bent R1 to align key/ oiled and test played
- removed sheared neck screw a/ expanded neck and installed new screw and washer / regulated octave key and used pad paper to free `
- roughed out head joint dnet s and raised lip plate/ sealed and tuned head cork/ clamped all regulated bridge/ E, F/ D/ needs roller lo lower stack
- heat and seat high F, E, C, B, A, G#, low D// regulated G#, Bb, octave/ F#/ D/ reattached spring on low Bb/ installed octave sleeve/ bent Alt F to allow key to close/ oiled and test played
- Heat and seat 5 pads to cover tone holes/ reattached screw on lower stack/ bent bridge key to regulated whisper and expanded spring/ installed cork to alow key to close/ regulated middle section/ oiled keys
- installed new pad on octave key and regulated/ expanded goose neck to fit/ heat and seat A, C, G#, F, E, D, low C to cover tone holes/ regulated lower stack/ bent low B and Bb to cover toe holes/ reguiated G# and Bb bius/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat C, G#, F, E, side F, low B and Bb/ bent low C to align with pad/ reattached octave rod and bent stem to free binding/ regulated A, C, G#, F# and octave/ oiled and test played
- bent A to realign key and seated pad/ installed cork on bridge and regulated/ heat and seat low E, Bb, C# and F/ regulated crows foot and A/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat A and G/ bent G, E, D, low C and B/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, F#, D/ installed new pad on high F/ Regulated low B and Bb/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat, C, B, G, F, E, low C/ bent A to align/ regulated Bb bis
- installed pads on highF, B and A/ heat and seat C, F, E, D, low B and Bb to cover tone holes/ regulated B, A, G#, Bb bis, F, E and low Bb
- removed low D and added glue to raise pad/ bent B, A, G, F and low C to cover tone holes/ lowered bumper elt on low C/ installed cork on G#/ regulated upper stack and octave/ added oil to low C#/ polished goose neck/ used pad papper on sticky keys
- heat and seat C, B, A, G#, F, E, D Bb and low C/ installed cork on Bb bis key/ regulated A, C, G3, Bb, F#, low B and octave/ used pad paper on sticky keys/ tighend octave key/ polished gooseneck/ oiled and test played
- installed pad and cleaned tone holes on palm keys and low Eb/ heat and seat A, C, F, E, D to cover tone holes/ installed sleeve on low C#/ installed felt on G#/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb, F#, low B and octave/ used pad paper on sticky keys/ polished gooseneck/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat C, A, G, G#, E, F, D, low B and Bb/ regulated C, G#, Bb bis, E, F#, and octave/ installed pad on high F and adjusted alt key/ polished gooseneck/ glued thumb rest/ used pad paper on sticky pads/ oiled and test played
- Installed 3 pads on upper stack/ installed cork on R4 and L2/ bent F to free binding/ tightend two rods on upper/ regulated A, bridge and crows foot/ instlled cork on Ab/ tightened spring screw on R1/ heat and seat low F and E/ oiled and test played
- Regulated octave key and used space filler to quite key noise/ reattached rod on R2/ het and seat thumb key/ bent to regulated D/ rattached rod on lower stack/ installed sleeve on L2/ Regulated lower stack, A and crows foot/ installed cork on low G/ polished gooseneck/ oiled and test played
- installed octave sleeve/ heat and seat A, G, F, E/ regulated lower stack/ cleaned off Eb tone hole and pad/ regulated G#, Bb, A, C, and octave/ removed spring tension from low Eb
- Heat and seat C, A, G, G#, F, E, D, Low Eb, C B and Bb/ twisted bel to realign keys/ regulated upper and lower stack/ bent Eb keygaurd to allow key to close/ regulated octave key/ oiled and test played
- installed new spring on high Eb/ heat and seat C, A, G's, F, E, D, low C/ installed cork on low B and Bb to quiet key noise/ bent to realign side Bb/ regulated lower stack, G#, A, and C/ oiled and test played
- removed side C and added glute to raise pad/ installed new pad on high F and installed cork and sleeve/ trued ocvate rod to free binding/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, F# and low B/ installed cork on alt F and sleeve on table key to quite keynoise/
- removed A, G, F, E and low Eb installed glue on pads to cover tone holes/ regulated upper and lower stack/ bent low B to align key with tone hole/ heat and seat C and side Bb/ installed cork on G/ cleaned off high F pad to closeoiled and test played
- installed cork on A key and regulated/ heat and seat low C#/ installed shimms on L1 and L2/ bent L2 to free binding/ regulated crows foot/ tightened thumb rest/ oiled and test played
- installed new pads and cleaned tone holes high F#, F and Eb/ instaleed suede on C to regulated / heat and seat F, E, / regulated A, G#, F, F#, Bb bis, and low B/ heat and bent octave stem to realign/ installed ultimax to table key to quite key noise/ bent low B and Bb/ to cover tone holes/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat A, C, G, G#, F, E, D, low B/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, F, F#, E, D and low Bb/ bent G# arm to close and added spring tensionused ultimax on Bb bis to quite keynoise/ oiled and test played
- trued finger rings rod and adjusted key heighth/ bent L2, C and F to align keys/ regulated bridge and crows foot/ bent R1 to free binding/oiled and test played
- Bent high Eb to realign/ heat and seat F, Eb, B, A, G, F, low B and Bb/ regulated A, C, G#, F# and octave
- Raised post on upper stack and realign rod/ heat and seat C, A, G, F, E, D, low B/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, F, F#, E, low Bb/ installed new pad on high Eb and bent key to realign/ oiled and test played
- bent 4 keys on lower stack to align with tone holes/ regulated octave, bridge, G and crows foot/ installed cork on A/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat B, A, G, F, E, F to cover tone holes/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, F#, E/ soldered gooseneck octave mount/ installed octave sleeve and regulated/ oiled and test played
- Removed palm key pads and reglued to raise pads. installed new pad on high F/ heat and seat C, A, G, F, side C, Bb and E/ regulated C, G#, Bb bis, F, E, and D/ bent A, D and low C to align keys with tone holes/ oiled and test played
- Bent Trill key post and A/B post to realign keys/ heat and seat C, and trill/ heat and clamped all pads/ regulated pper and lower stack/ trued head jount and foot ot ease assembly/ resealed tuning cork/ oiled and test played
- Heat and seat C and trill key pad/ shimmed A, B and low Eb to cover tone holes/ heat and clmaped all pads/ regulated G's, F, E, bridge and low C#/ polished head joint/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat C, B, A,,G, F, E, D and side Bb/ regulated G#, Bb bis F#, D and low Bb/ installed cork on B key/ polished goose neck and used pad papper on sticcky key/ oiled and test played
- Removed all keys/ light polish on bodya dn keys/ installed pads on Thumb, A, G, F, E, heat amd clamped all pads/ shimmed F/ bent thumb key to close/ regulated A, G's, bridge, F, F#, and low C#/ polished head joint/ oiled and test played
- removed high F pad and installed glue to raise/ heat and seat C, B, G, G# and D/ bent G post to realign G and G# keys/ regulated A, G#, F, and D/ bent low E to cover tone hole/ used pad papper on Bb bis key to free binding/ oiled an test played
- heat and seat C, A, G, G#, E, F, D and low C#/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, E, and F#/ bent low C to cover tone holes/ oiled and test played
- Installed cork on F, B, L1, L2 and R1/ heat and seat C# and F/ installed new pad on R3 trill key/ regulated A, bridge, and crows foot/ bent ring key to align with tone holes/ oiled an test played
- installed cork on bridge, C# and Eb/ heat and seat D, B, C# to cover tone holes/ regulated crows foot and bridge/ used pad paper to sticky padds/
- removed Bb and G to tighten screw on alt C/ heat and seat B and regulated / bent F, E and low C to align keys/ installed sleeve on table key/ installed new pad on high F/ regulated C, G#, Bb bis, E, F# octave and low B/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat A, B, G#, G, F, E to cover tone holeas/ regulated C, B, G#, F# and low B/ installed goose neck cork
- palm key pads Eb, D to small/seat pads B, C, A, shim F, E and D on lower stack/ regulated upper and lower
- removed A key and installed glue to raise pad/ bent low C# to ralign pad, heated, installed cork and bent lever to close/ installed felt on G#/ heat and seat C, G, G#, and E/ twisted bell to realign lower stack/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, octave, E, D and low B/ expaned neck to insure fit and polished/ oiled and test played
- Installed new spring on low C#, bent key to align and seated pad/ heat and seat A, C, G#, G, E, D/ regulatted upper and lower stack/ bent octave key to close/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat B, A, G, G#, F, E, low C and low Bb/ installed 2 corks on high Eb/ bent low C to realign key with tone hole/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, F#, E and low B/ removed ovtave rod and cleaned to free binding/ added spring tension to octave/
- Heat and seat B, A, G, F, E, D to cover tone holes/ bent low B and Bb to align keys/ regulated octave, C, G#, Bb bis, F, F#, E and low Bb/ installed cork on B key/ polished goose neck
- Installed new pad on high D/ removed F, Eb, B, A and installed glue to raise pad/ bent B, C, E, D/ to align keys/ heat and seat C, F, E and D/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, F, E and octave key/ added spring tension to octave and seated pad/ oiled and test played
- Removed keys from upper stack and soldered side Bb/high F post/ Removed high F key and bent post and filed to free binding key/ bent high F to realign and installed new pad/ bent A, C, E, D and low B to cover tone holes/ heat and seat low Eb, C, A, G, F, and low B/ straigntened low C keyguard, installed new bumper felt and tuned/ added spring tension to B and G#// regulated A, C, Bb bis, F#, D, and low A/ oiled and test played
- reattached rod on high Eb, seated pad and added sealer/ regulated A, C, E, F#, low B, Bb and A/ reattached spring on low C# and bent to align
- installed pads on high F, Eb,D, C, B and low Eb/ regulated upper and lower stack/ installed cork on high D/ installed screw on low C#/ heat and seat A, G, G#, F, and low E/ removed low D and installed glue to raise pad/ bent low B to cover tone hole and regulated Bb/ installed two keyguard screws
- Heat and clamaped all pads/ bnt Ab arm to realign/ regulated A, bridge, F, E, D and low C/ bent low C table key to align/ trued head joint and resealed head cork/ expaned foot to insure fit/ oiled and test played
- heat and seat high F# C, B, A, F, E, D alt C, to cover tone holes/ regulated A, C, octave, G#, Bb bis, F#/ added spring tension to low C#
- heat and clamped all pads/ trued head joint, reduced dents and resealed tuning cork/ installed cork on thumb key/ trued foot joint to allow assembly/ regulated thumb key, A, G's, F, D and low C/ added spring tension to low D/ installed new trill key pads/ oiled and test played
- Removed palm keys and cleaned tone holes/ installed new pads on high Eb and F/ Heat and seat high E, side C, C, A, G, G#, F and E/ removed low D and added glue to raise pad/ Removed low Eb and cleaned tone hole seated pad/ regulted low C# to allow B and Bb to close/.regulated upper and lower stack/ bent low B to cover tone hole/ oiled and test played
- Heat and seat high F, E, A, C, G, F, E, D, low C and Eb/ cleaned off G# and Eb tone holes/ installed cork on B and Bb bis key/ regulated C, A, F, F#. E/ low C#/ installed ovtave tube/ oiled and test played
- Heat and seat B, G# and E/ Raised finger table to allow G# to close/ reattached spring on low B/ regulated A, C, G#, Bb bis, F#, E, and low A/ installed 2 keyguard screws/ trued octave key hing tube and lapped to free binding/ bent octave arm to regulated and installed new pad, cork and felt/oiled
Repair Request Form
Please fill out this form if you would like to be contacted about a repair.