2023 Christmas Quilt Contest
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Welcome To Our 2023 Christmas Quilt Contest!

They designed. They cut. They pieced. They quilted. Finally, after months of hard work, the contestants from our 2023 Christmas Quilt Contest are ready for you to see their Christmas quilts! 🥳

What is the 2023 Christmas Quilt Contest, you ask? Let us catch you up to speed:

In July 2023, we challenged our customers to make a Christmas quilt using one of four quilt kits. The rules? There was only one: to incorporate ALL of the kit’s fabrics into their quilt. After finishing it, these quilters would have to bring their quilt to our store by a deadline in order to be officially entered into the contest. After the deadline, we uploaded the quilts onto our website and asked YOU to vote and choose your favorite one. Now that voting is over, we can finally present the 2023 Christmas Quilt Contest winners! Drumroll please...

The Winners of the 2023 Christmas Quilt Contest Are...


To all of the contestants: Thank you so much for participating in the contest! We have so enjoyed having a front-row seat to this event; it’s been so nice to make new friends, hear the stories behind the quilts, and see how incredibly talented all of you are. Your quilts are spectacular!

To the rest of you: Thank you for helping us choose the winners! Just like us, you loved all of the entries and supported each of the contestants in a big way. 

We’re so grateful that you’re all part of our sewing community. 💕

Kids' Christmas Quilt Contest

The votes in the Kids’ Christmas Quilt Contest were very close, so we’re awarded Ava and Isla, the young quilters who submitted quilts, $150 gift cards to Sew Sew Studio!

Ava and Isla, we are SO proud of you! You both did a tremendous job with this contest and completely knocked it out of the park! Making a quilt is not easy, but you both tackled this contest with incredible grace, all while showing us just how talented you both are. Congratulations!!

General Christmas Quilt Contest